Thursday, August 20, 2009

Results Are In...and they are Saaaaaad

Here are the results out of 100 (percentage) for the term (not the exam
scores...the scores for the whole term):

Physical Science, Grade 8, 3 classes, 116 learners
High - 54%
Low - 3%
Average - 30% - F

Math, Grade 9, 2 classes, 77 learners
High - 65%
Low - 8%
Average - 23% - G

Math, Grade 10, 2 classes, 57 learners
High - 43%
Low - 1%
Average - 20% - G

The letter grades go like this:
A, 80-100
B, 70-79
C, 60-69
D, 50-59
E, 40-49
F, 30-39
G, 20-29
U, 0-19

F is passing. If learners get only 1 G and they pass English, they can
still pass the grade.

In grade 10, 32 learners got "U", which means "Ungraded", which is the
equivalent of not showing up for class at all. I felt like ASS yesterday,
absolute ASS. But as I'm sitting in the staff room with other teachers
marking, they're all reporting the same stuff. Mr. D. just now said, "I
can't sleep sometimes asking myself if I'm teaching or not." In truth, I
see him sleeping in the staff room sometimes when he *should* be teaching,
so there's definitely reason to doubt himself...but ...oh shoot, that makes
me feel worse actually. I WAS teaching, and these are the results I get.
But then again math is...challenging. Joseph Kativa was the one that got 1%
in 10B. But I just saw in history he got 60 something! So he has the
capacity, he just strongly dislikes math. This is true all over the world I
suppose. The other math teacher in grades 5-8 says she sees the same
things, and I know in her class English isn't a problem.

Maybe in a few generations things will be better. Actually, they will, I'm
sure of it. You get a collection of the 65%-ers to not leave the country
and stick around to be in education or government, and things will change.

In other news....I'm completely done with my work...just waiting for other
teachers to hand in their scores for my register class so I can complete
their report cards.

It's going to be a loooong couple of days.

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