Friday, May 29, 2009

Bon Voyage!

In a few short hours I'm hopping on a plane. My itinerary is brutal! I leave Saturday (30th) at 7am. I arrive on Monday (1st) at 1pm. I'm flying SF-NYC-Dubai-Johannesburg-Windhoek, Namibia.
(The time difference from PST is +8.)

I'm all packed; everything fit! My apartment is empty, stuff is stored, and car is tucked away. Shoot, I just realized I haven't showered yet, so one last hot running water shower for a while. :-)

Everyone's been asking if I'm excited, nervous, scared, etc. The answer is YES! It's been a very hectic and emotional few weeks, so I'm very tired...but also feeling very well prepared.

I'll try to send a quick shout out once I'm safely on the ground.

THANK YOU to everyone for all of your very generous support and well wishes!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Fundraising News and Travel Plans

First and foremost, the fundraising party on Friday was a HUGE success! I am one lucky girl to have all the amazing friends that I do, who helped me pull off an amazing night. About $900 was raised! But more importantly, a great time was had by all. :-)

DJs spun well into the wee morning hours, my gracious bartenders served up drinks like the "Heart of Darkness", "DIVUNDU", "Jungle Juice", "Congo Cocktail", "Safari Sipper" and "Wild Kingdom", and my relentless (in an endearing way) door staff encouraged all to generously donate. I am so blessed to have such an amazing supportive, creative and fun-loving community. In addition to all the folks that grabbed a door/bar shift, special thanks go out to:
Jeff Herzbach for the space.
Jay for being SO generous with your time and equipment.
Nicole & Cindy for planning help, moral support, and taking shifts.
Dina for making the drive from Sacramento to spin an amazing set (even while recovering from lead poisoning).
Matt for alllll the help before and especially after.


In other news, my travel plans are set! On May 30th, I start my journey, flying from San Francisco to New York to Dubai to Johannesburg, finally arriving in Windhoek, Namibia on June 1st at about 2pm. (And for those keeping track, there IS a May 31st). Ouch. I'm finally going to get one of those travel pillow thingys!

In parting, I'm also THRILLED to announce that a laptop was acquired! (Thank YOU CINDY!!) I'm in the process of upgrading the OS as I type so that I'll be able to get a modem for the cell network in Namibia. And what does this mean? More blogging of course! :-)

About Me

My photo
San Francisco, CA, United States
