Monday, March 26, 2012

Dirty Diving and Dirty Beats

Sunday we had booked a day trip out to the closer island group with a different dive company. My wounds at this point were looking pretty bad, but I figured another few hours wouldn't kill me.

Moto Ouwie: Day 3 Dog Ouwie

The Koh Rong group is now protected from fishing, so the sea life there is recovering. Sadly, the visibility was horrible - 2-3m (6-9ft) - ick! There was a fair bit of current too, so we had to pay a lot more attention than the previous 2 days. There was more active life though...including 3 massive barracudas - perhaps 5-6ft long. Wow!

I really appreciated the dive company's ethic - encouraging reef cleanup and sustainable living (ie: no water bottles distributed; bring your own). The staff was all very nice and let me raid their first aid kit before the trip home. 

Later, back in Sihanoukville, James and I turned up at the big backpacker club in town where he was booked to DJ for the night. The young crowd was all fairly spent from the previous Saturday Night St. Paddy's Day bash, so folks were just chillin. James is a great DJ, and spins music I really like (dirty electro), so in an effort to encourage more dancing I spent some time on the dance floor...with a long dress I was able to mask the fact that I was mostly shuffling on one foot.

By 1am, we were both spent, and despite pleas to stay from the hyper kids who rolled in at 12, we headed back to our hotel. James was asleep in minutes.

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