Friday, July 10, 2009


I've been pestering the school secretary about checking the PO box for the
last couple of weeks, anxiously awaiting my care packages. The first, I
believe, was sent by my darling matt, the day after I left. I think he said
he sent another one a few weeks ago. My mom sent one upon hearing of my
food situation sometime in the middle of June, and another just two weeks

Today I got word during one of my classes that not one but TWO boxes had
arrived for me. They required ID at the PO, so I bided my time. I could
barely contain myself, seriously, as I headed over. I had to tell myself to
SLOW DOWN because the office wouldn't open until 2 and it was only 1:30. I
still got there with 15 minutes to kill, so I meandered around the
"that-side" store (in Namibia there are only two directions, "this side" and
"that side") and bought a $20NAM bottle of wine. $2.50USD. By this time I
had convinced myself that one box was Matt's and the other my mom's.

I forced out a "hi/how are you?" before shoving my slips over the counter.
He returned with two quite heavy and very dusty boxes. SUCCESS! Both had
my mom's handwriting on them, so I was a little bit bummed, as was I about
the prospect of lugging them back in the heat of the day. But a lovely
South African man with a car saw me lumbering and offered me a trip home.
Turns out he works at/runs/owns a lodge nearby and invited me over sometime
soon. He also asked if I wouldn't mind tutoring his kids. Sure I said!
Anyway, I tore open the boxes (don't worry mom, I was careful) and my
goodness you should have heard the squeals! My favorite protein bars,
skittles, beef jerky, SOUR JELLY BELLIES, trail mix (mom, the NUTrition can
was BRILLIANT (and half gone already!!), little cans of ready-made chicken
salad, crackers that didn't fare so well but who cares..what else.oh, a few
microwaveable meals that had me scratching my head as I haven't seen a
microwave in a month, but there are directions involving boiling water so
that should work. Um, cold medicine, Ziploc bags that actually work,
breakfast bars. Yum Yum Yum. I said to myself outloud, "now Jen, you're
going to get sick if you eat too much right now." Well, that didn't stop
me, I gorged. I paid for it later, but it was worth it.

All this being said, I was really bummed that Matt's box wasn't here. Where
the hell could it be? I'm told there is no rhyme or reason to what gets
here when, but that doesn't help with the disappointment.

Course along with care packages comes a hefty dose of homesickness. Sigh.
Miss you guys. Write more emails!

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San Francisco, CA, United States
